Using the bicycle as a means of transport to go to work and daily commuting, offer many advantages. But some of them will certainly surprise you with a positive touch.
1 – Less taxes: Amazing! This information is rather unexpected, but because of public health savings by using the bicycle as a means of transport, you pay less tax.
AsCiclosferapoints out in a related article, our country spends more than 3,600 million euros a year to treat pollution linked diseases.
In addition, other studies, such as that of the Danish embassy,show what the savings, due to an increasing bicycle use by the population, would bring to public health.
The daily use of the bicycle by 10% of Danes would save a 1.6 billion (about 134 million euros) in public health care spending.
2 – Live longer: remember all the benefits of cycling for your physicaland mentalhealth. You’ll also benefit from pollution reduction. Its use increases your life expectancy.
3 – Save time cycling: not only a higher life expectancy but also time-saving. Use this calculator to find out how much. You will be surprised again!
Avoid traffic jams with the most comfortable and fastest vehicle for the vast majority of distances in the city, while exercising a physical activity as a routine part of the day.
4 – Rejuvenates: Ready to look younger? Discover the benefits of cycling against aging in this post.
5 – Be Happy: Do you remember those happy moments from your childhood on the bike? You can surely bring them back. The health benefits, the feeling of freedom and greater interaction with your city will make you happier.
A research also showed that cycling makes you happier than making money.