The bikeis your everyday vehicle. A vehicle recommended by the WHO. Preventive maintenance planning to keep your bike in optimal conditions. Compromising on comfort and security. Anyway, you will avoid possible breakdowns and prevent getting stranded. A chore when it comes to ensuring our daily mobility in a safe, agile and efficient way.
Here are some essential bike maintenance tips.
Moistureand dirt are your bike’s worst enemy. Your bike gets rusty and ruins gear shifting. Keep your bikeclean and dry.
Many components (chain, sprockets, chainrings, …) need lubrication to increase its service life. It is important to keep the transmission parts of your bikegreased.
To protect and check the brakes is essential to prevent accidents. Never ignore warning signs of brake system problems, shoes, pads and discs, to be replaced if needed.
Tyrepressureadjustments, tyre behaviour is a critical factor in bicycle performance. Cycling with inadequate tire inflation pressure affects tire grip, braking ability and bike wear. Cycling with the correct tire pressure, get you less exhausted and avoid punctures.
A right tyre tread pattern benefit a better grip on wet pavement.
Regularly check the transmissioncomponents for thewear level, paying special attention to the chain.
Check cables, covers and correct adjustments to the derailleur for smooth and quiet shifting.
Check clearances and screw tightening of the main elements such assteering, pedals, bottom bracket, fork and saddle. A loose screw may result in a serious accident.
Saddle heightand seating position, key roles for comfortable cycling. Check for proper functioning of the suspensionto extend its duration.
Well functioning of the front (white) and rear (red) lights, is essential,
other elements such as retro-reflectors devices (reflective) and the ringtone, in addition to being mandatory elements, are relevant to security.