Hoy te damos a conocer una nueva solución de movilidad para guardar tu bicicleta o VMP dentro de las ciudades: el Bicihangar Rocket. Un tipo de aparcamiento que entra dentro de los proyectos de infraesctuctura ciclista en el marco de las ayudas a Ayuntamientos asociadas al Plan de Recuperación, Zonas de bajas emisiones y transformación del […]
Cities by People (Jan Gehl), one of the masterpieces of sustainable mobility suggests that if we improve the urban space, we will improve our quality of life. The pandemic has made cities rethink towards a more balanced future, reconfiguring more open urban spaces, being more inclusive and, above all, people-focused. Thus a new idea was […]
Cycling is the fastest and most efficient way to urban commuting. Cycling is time saving. Mobility in big cities is a huge problem for citizens, who waste a lot of time commuting, stuck in traffic jams. According to anAECOC report, the citizens of Barcelona lose up to 147 hours a year in traffic jams. If […]
The School Lane aims to create a safe, sustainable, healthy and independent school route. Walking, cycling or public urban transport. Cycling is a fun and active way to commute to school. When children learn to ride a bicycle, they should consider it not only a leisure and recreation activity, but also a daily commute routine. […]
Since 2018, the Law on Non-Financial Information Statements requires large companies to report key information about sustainability. In recent years, companies have started to include information about sustainability and corporate social responsibility in their annual memories and reports, thereby complimenting their own financial information. The real reason is the increasing demand for clear, comparable and […]
We often talk about the benefits of sustainable mobility and the use of the bicycle as the most efficient vehicle. However, it is worthwhile to sketch and reflect on the results of a non-SUS-tainable mobility model with a clearly high car dependence for daily commuting. If it is not clear that we are talking about […]
The sustainable mobility planmust have an organized structure, realistic actions and goals, in addition to spacial limits, including all journeys envisaged in it. The decision of a company sustainable mobility plan is the first step. It may sound simple, but this decision shows the company’s commitment to society, its employees and shareholders, and in essence […]
Air pollution is one of the major urban rivalries to beat. Sustainable urban mobility solutions. Major city mayors face the same problems and the same challenges: urban mobility. Especially, more sustainable urban mobility options. Saturation flow, tense coexistence of cars, cyclists and pedestrians … and air pollution. Heavy air pollution loads. Transport already represents almost […]
The results of a study on mobility habits by the IRSE-EBI come to a very surprising conclusion; an increasing number of people show their interest in commuting to work by bike. Let’s face it: if everyone who says they cycle to work actually did it, things might be different. It’s like TV 2 documentaries, that […]
Your company’s facilities shape the way the company is committed to their people. If you are committed to a more sustainable mobility model, then we have to focus on commuting to work. “Compulsory” labor mobilityis an important step and represents one third of all daily commuting. Increasing environmental, socio-economic impacts linked to inefficent and combustion […]