Index Discover the benefits, success stories and key steps to implement a Sustainable Mobility Plan in your company. Sustainable mobility has become a crucial issue in our society today, especially when it comes to commuting. Sustainable Mobility Plans offer an effective solution to address the challenges related to traffic, pollution and quality of life in […]
¿Os imagináis encontraros en pleno centro de la ciudad con un parking de bicicletas con capacidad para más de 12.000 plazas? Existe, y es un ejemplo a seguir. Que la movilidad sostenible está en boca de muchos no es noticia. Que cada vez se toman más medidas en pro de una movilidad más saludable, también. […]
Cycling Friendly Mobility will host the next networking session organized by CAEB, Confederation of Business Associations of the Balearic Islands. Cycling Friendly Mobility acts as host of this eventto highlight the need for a sustainable mobility model. In line with the necessary energy transformation on the progress towards a decarbonized economy. The event, on this […]
In recent years cycling has increased in a relevant way. However, the gender gap is still evident concerning transport modes. Cycling Friendly Mobility is committed to reducing the gender gap in bicyclemobility. In this sense, we echo the Girl on the Bike project. Erkuden Almagro created a project in 2014. She highlights her commitment to […]
Cycling Friendly Mobility is committed to inclusive urban cycling without gender barriers. Analysis of the gender-cycling-gap in female bike use. Social revolution and the bicycle. In the late 19th century, the two-wheeler paved the way and meant en emblem of freedom and time changing power, meanstream in women’s rights and lives. A real Gender Equality […]
The process starts with a mobility surveyunder its 400 employees located in several work centers At theIRSE-EBI institute, based in Bilbao, they have been committed for over 30 years to improve people’s quality of life. But now they want to go a step further. They act to improve both employees’ and environmental well-being. IRSE-EBI is […]
The developer EURESVA and Cycling Friendly Mobility have reached a facility installation agreement of a Bike Stationin the CV15 building. The building, currently under construction, will be located at Avda. Cortes Valencianas Nº15, of the city of Valencia. The agreement was reached on February 4, although since mid-2020 both parties have laid the foundation for […]