Category: Sustainable Mobility

Jul 26
The bicycle as a source of health and lifestyle.

Towards sustainable mobility: Bicycles and Bicycle Master Plans as pillars of change In the quest for a healthier and more environmentally friendly lifestyle, the bicycle has gained prominence as a sustainable mobility option and a source of physical and mental well-being. More and more cities are betting on promoting the use of bicycles as a […]

Jul 19
Elon Musk: sustainable mobility visionary or car enthusiast?

A comprehensive analysis of Elon Musk’s vision in the context of Sustainable Mobility to Work Plans. Elon Musk, the controversial entrepreneur and engineer, has been an influential figure in the world of technology, space travel and, above all, the automotive industry. His role as founder and CEO of Tesla Motorshas been instrumental in the popularisation […]

Jul 17
Batteries: Is the lithium shortage a real problem?

Índice Exploring alternatives to ensure sustainable electric mobility Lithium batteries have been a crucial technological breakthrough in driving sustainable mobility in urban environments. Thanks to its high energy density and fast charging capacity, have enabled the development and popularisation of electric bicycles and scooters as clean and efficient alternatives for personal transport. These electric means […]

Jul 06
Cicle path vs Cicle lane: pros and cons of each

We analyse the advantages and disadvantages of cycle paths and cycle lanes. Today, promoting cycling as a sustainable mode of transport has become a priority in many cities around the world. Cycling is not only an efficient and clean way to get around, but also contributes to traffic reduction, improves air quality and promotes a […]

Jul 05
Work Less, Move Better: Is a 4-day workday feasible to improve mobility in cities?

Index Redefining work and mobility . Exploring the feasibility of a 4-day workday to improve urban mobility. Mobility in cities has become one of the greatest challenges of the 21st century. Increased traffic, road congestion and air pollution are problems that affect the quality of life of millions of people around the world. Faced with […]

Apr 07
The cathedral of the bicycle: a bicycle parking with 12,500 places

¿Os imagináis encontraros en pleno centro de la ciudad con un parking de bicicletas con capacidad para más de 12.000 plazas? Existe, y es un ejemplo a seguir. Que la movilidad sostenible está en boca de muchos no es noticia. Que cada vez se toman más medidas en pro de una movilidad más saludable, también. […]

  • Success stories
Apr 20
Basic bike maintenance

Keeping your bike in a tip-top shape is more important than it sounds. The bikeis your everyday vehicle. A vehicle recommended by the WHO. Preventive maintenance planning to keep your bike in optimal conditions. Compromising on comfort and security. Anyway, you will avoid possible breakdowns and prevent getting stranded. A chore when it comes to […]

  • Health
Mar 16
Son Espases hospital is committed to sustainable mobility and healthy lifestyle habits

Son Espases improves its bicycle parking facilities with Cycling Friendly Mobility How much we should thank all health care workers for all they’re doing during this pandemic, shouldn’t we? They have saved countless human lives, working unlimited hours and overtime for months, taking risks at the most critical moments. In advance, thank you so much. […]

  • Health
Jan 05
Are the cyclists the new Kings of the city?

If we have to ask for a gift, just one, in a day of illusion like this. Then we ask for mobility by bicycle! We don’t want to understate other priorities: health, love, money… but this year we mainly focus on health. But when it comes to requests, let’s ask for something that excites us: […]

Jun 02
Councils of the ECF (European Cycling Federation) for COVID recovery

La ECF emitió un conjunto de consejos para que las autoridades europeas promuevan el ciclismo y asegurar un recuperación rápida del COVID. Durante estos meses de confinamiento, la bicicleta ha demostrado ser el medio de transporte más seguro, menos contaminante y eficiente en el distanciamiento social.  Los vehículos motorizados casi han desaparecido de las principales […]

  • Covid-19
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