Tag: Mobility planning

May 19
5 reasons to implement a Transportation to Work Plan

A Transportation to Work plan should be on the roadmap of most companies. Here are the reasons why. Currently, the bulk of daily commuting is to the workplace. These same journeys in many cases produce peak traffic, traffic jams, road accidents… but until now, any company action has always been unlinked. However, a company cannot […]

Mar 22
Mobility by Cycling Friendly, at the 2022 Summit Sustainable Mobility Companies

El Summit 2022 de Empresas por la Movilidad Sostenible ha contado con la participación de Mobility Friendly junto con otras empresas, y ha contado con la presencia de la secretaria general de Transportes y Movilidad, María José Rallo. En Mobility Friendly no podíamos faltar a la cita con el Summit 2022 organizado por Empresas por […]

Feb 15
Mobility by Cycling Friendly will develop Cajamar Transport to Work Plan at its headquarters in Valencia

En Mobility Friendly estamos muy contentos de poder desarrollar el Plan de Transporte al Trabajo de Cajamar en su sede de Valencia, para que sus empleados puedan desplazarse al lugar de trabajo de forma más sostenible. En Mobility Friendly desarrollaremos el plan de transporte al trabajo de Cajamar en su sede de Valencia. Un PTT […]

Jan 13
11 Sustainable Mobility Trends to consider in 2022

La movilidad sostenible debe dar un paso adelante en 2022. Aquí te presentamos las que creemos que serán las tendencias este año. ¿Qué podemos esperar de la movilidad sostenible en 2022? Probablemente menos de lo que nos gustaría que avanzara, pero a la vez mucho más de lo que se podría haber pensado hace unos […]

Dec 17
The role of cycling in urban policy

La bicicleta se ha convertido en un elemento clave en las políticas urbanas. El incremento de venta de bicicletas sin precedentes que se produjo en 2020 ha marcado un punto de inflexión sobre el modelo de movilidad sobre el que deben trabajar las ciudades.  Durante el último año hemos visto cómo se ha ido apostando […]

Jun 10
Cycling, you will arrive earlier

Cycling is the fastest and most efficient way to urban commuting. Cycling is time saving. Mobility in big cities is a huge problem for citizens, who waste a lot of time commuting, stuck in traffic jams. According to anAECOC report, the citizens of Barcelona lose up to 147 hours a year in traffic jams. If […]

Jun 03
The importance of sustainable mobility planning

A Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan is a strategic plan to satisfy the mobility needs of people, cities and their surroundings to achieve a better quality of social, environmental and economic life. Why is the development of a Sustainable Mobility Plan (SUMP) key role? What is its purpose? SUMPs or Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans are people-friendly […]

May 27
Cycling Mobility in Barcelona. The Cyclist ID card.

Bicycle mobility in Barcelona has grown steadily in recent years. The III Urban Bicycle Barometer was recently published in Barcelona. A study on bicycle mobility in Barcelona, promoted by the RACC insurance company, proposes interesting conclusions and recommendations. A few though controversial. A survey on 600 urban cyclists. Following some of them. The bicycle (private […]

May 20
Why encourage children to use the school cycle lane?

The School Lane aims to create a safe, sustainable, healthy and independent school route. Walking, cycling or public urban transport. Cycling is a fun and active way to commute to school. When children learn to ride a bicycle, they should consider it not only a leisure and recreation activity, but also a daily commute routine. […]

May 14
How to obey the Law on Non-Financial Information Statements

Since 2018, the Law on Non-Financial Information Statements requires large companies to report key information about sustainability. In recent years, companies have started to include information about sustainability and corporate social responsibility in their annual memories and reports, thereby complimenting their own financial information. The real reason is the increasing demand for clear, comparable and […]

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