Iberostar develops its Sustainable Transport to Work Plan

We are pleased that the Iberostar Group is committed to a much greener, more efficient and safer mobility, even anticipating the implementation of the new Sustainable Mobility Law.

A few months ago, the companies Mobility by Cycling Friendly and Iberostar started a common way to improve the daily mobility of their employees through a Sustainable Transport to Work Plan, as set out in the Draft Law on Sustainable Mobility (Art. 26).

This Plan is part of the Iberostar Group‘s leadership in responsible tourism, for which it has its own 2030 Agenda, which includes the goal of achieving carbon neutrality by the end of this decade. Precisely this Sustainable Transport to Work Plan is being promoted to this end, promoting sustainable mobility among the employees of its corporate headquarters in Palma.

During these months we have been working on the analysis of the environment of the corporate headquarters and its accessibility with the new adaptation of the PMUS (Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan) of the city of Palma, which is committed to more active mobility, on foot or cycling, within the city.

One of the highlights of this Sustainable Transport to Work Plan has been the high level of participation by the group’s employees, exceeding the expectations set out by the mobility round table, where very interesting data has been collected on the mobility habits of employees and the future improvements proposed by employees, with a high percentage committed to changing their commuting habits towards more sustainable means of transport.

Iberostar’s Sustainable Transport to Work Plan is in its final phase, where the costs derived from mobility (environmental, social, economic and accident rate) are being calculated.

Subsequently, a series of targets and actions will be developed for each mode of transport (set over a period from 2022 – 2028) to reduce the number of commuting journeys, the safety of mobility in itinere and in labore, the number of kilometres travelled and the reduction of CO2 emissions.