Tag: Urban Mobility

Jun 30
Find out the traffic index in Spain 2021

Según el índice de tráfico publicado por TomTom, las ciudades han vuelto a niveles de tráfico previos a la pandemia. Tomtom no solo nos ayuda a movernos por el mundo gracias a la gran base de datos que dispone en la actualidad. Más allá de ser un simple GPS y gracias a los datos móviles, […]

Jun 26
Female drivers in public transport

New mobility is also created by fighting the existing gender gap, and one of its forms is by promoting the growth of female drivers in public transport. Mobility is undergoing important changes towards more sustainable ways of commuting. The pedestrianization of streets, the increase in kilometers of cycle lanes, the expansion of bus and train […]

Jun 15
Does the street pedestrianisation show an economic impact?

Despite hesitation, street pedestrianisation shows having a positive economic impact in many Spanish cities. More and more cities are committed to banning motorized traffic from certain streets. However, sometimes it is not easy to implement measures that favour the pedestrianisation of certain areas, which are susceptible to rejection from both political and private sectors considering […]

Apr 07
The cathedral of the bicycle: a bicycle parking with 12,500 places

¿Os imagináis encontraros en pleno centro de la ciudad con un parking de bicicletas con capacidad para más de 12.000 plazas? Existe, y es un ejemplo a seguir. Que la movilidad sostenible está en boca de muchos no es noticia. Que cada vez se toman más medidas en pro de una movilidad más saludable, también. […]

  • Casos de éxito
Mar 24
EURESVA introduces the bicycle parking of the CV 15 building in Valencia

The building, which meets the highest standards of accessibility, sustainability and efficiency, houses a bike parking with capacity for more than 100 bicycles. The developer EURESVA has announced the bicycle parking of the CV15 Building. Located in Avda. Cortes Valencianas and the work of the prestigious architect César Azcárate Gómez, under the project management of […]

Mar 23
Luis Vélez: “Valladolid wants to be a friendly, liveable city where we can enjoy good air quality”

We interviewedLuis Vélez, Councillor for Mobility and Urban Space of Valladolid City Council, a city that has made a strong commitment to sustainable mobility. Last year the Valladolid Green City project won the award of the Ministry of Ecological Transition during the European Mobility Week. What kind of city does Valladolid dream of in terms […]

Mar 14
In which cities in Spain did air quality improve most in 2021?

At the beginning of the year, the Sustainability Observatory presented a relevant report on air quality in Spain in 2021. Last January, the Sustainability Observatory published a revealing report analysing which cities had most improved their air quality, which were the most polluted, and what post-Covid effects had been found in Spain’s 80 most populated […]

Feb 22
Cycling and urban congestion

Bicycles are an excellent urban vehicle. A more sustainable and friendlier mobility model. However, some opponents point to possible effects of urban traffic congestion due to the mentioned shared streets or “cyclo streets” and the consequence of a lower traffic speed. Bicycles do not slow down the car significantly in cities; urban low-speed and – […]

Feb 07
E. Díez Valero: “The main challenge is to take away space from the most polluting mobility”

We interviewed Esther Díez Valero, Councilor for Sustainable Development and Urban Mobility at the Elche City Council. Continuing our line of interviews with institutional representatives linked to mobility, we didn’t want to pass up the chance to talk with Esther Díez Valero, Councilor for Sustainable Development and Urban Mobility at the Elche City Council, a […]

Dec 17
The role of cycling in urban policy

La bicicleta se ha convertido en un elemento clave en las políticas urbanas. El incremento de venta de bicicletas sin precedentes que se produjo en 2020 ha marcado un punto de inflexión sobre el modelo de movilidad sobre el que deben trabajar las ciudades.  Durante el último año hemos visto cómo se ha ido apostando […]