
At Mobility Friendly, we work closely with institutions and companies to tackle more sustainable ways of commuting.

We are developing Sustainable Transport to Work Plans, Mobility Studies, Bicycle Master Plans and Safe School Route Studies.

Some of our projects

We develop our mobility studies in detail to lay the foundation for a new, more sustainable, healthier and safer mobility.

Many companies and institutions already rely on our mobility studies.

Talk to our experts and we will help you plan your mobility study.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What are the benefits of implementing safe school routes for children?
    There are many benefits: 1. Change of commuting behavior to more sustainable modalities: walking, cycling or public transport. 2. Reduces the number of motor vehicles, which lowers excessive polluting emissions and noise, to the benefit of the environment, restoring public spaces and children's road safety. 3. Promoting the development of daily physical activity, reducing the risk of obesity and improving healthy habits. 4. It encourages children to take back the street and go to school alone or with their friends. This promotes self-esteem, socialization and autonomy of the youngest.
  • Does the implementation of safe school routes imply the need for horizontal or vertical markings or signage?
    No, with a few exceptions, the school road does not require additional signage. However, a series of collection stops can be set along the route that indicate where the road runs, making it visible. In addition, participants and those responsible for the school route must be identified with a sign to help make it visible.
  • At what educational stages are safe school routes aimed?
    Although this initiative is more aimed at ages between 8 and 11, it is really an action designed to allow children of all ages to participate, from children under 6 years in nursery school to high school students. Depending on the age range, the school route will vary its characteristics.
  • Who is obliged to implement a Sustainable Transport to Work Plan?
    All companies with more than 500 workers in the workplace, or more than 250 workers per shift.
  • How long does it take to develop a Sustainable Transportation to Work Plan?
    The time varies according to the characteristics of each company: location, number of employees, working hours, activity, etc. We can also say that we usually carry them out in approx 4-5 months, or even less.
  • Why is a Sustainable Transport to Work Plan imnportant?
    Each TWP is tailored to the specific needs and reality of each company, making it a key tool for managing mobility arising from business activity, as well as improving road safety and reducing the potential impact on the environment. The aim is to achieve savings in energy consumption, improve the life quality of workers, increase the competitiveness and productivity of the company and achieve an improvement in corporate social responsibility (CSR). At the same time, having a PTT provides tax benefits through the aid that government services make available to companies, such as a reduction in the IAE (Economic Activities Tax) or a reduction in Social Security contributions.
  • Which companies are required to have a Sustainable Transport to Work Plan?
    According to the Draft Law on Sustainable Mobility proposed by the Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda, government agencies and private companies with more than 500 employees or 250 employees per shift must have a transport-to-work plan. In addition, in relation to workplaces with more than 1,000 workers located in municipalities or metropolitan areas with more than 500,000 inhabitants, government agencies and private companies must include measures to reduce the mobility of workers during peak hours and promote the use of low- or zero-emission means of transport. Although the aforementioned companies are obliged, its implementation is also recommended in small and medium-sized companies, by preparing a simpler document.
  • What is the main goal of a BMP?
    The main goal of a Bicycle Master Plan, after analyzing the territorial, social and economic characteristics, and the demand and supply of bicycle mobility in the corresponding city or municipality, is to promote the bicycle as a means of daily mobility.
  • Does the drafting of a Bicycle Master Plan oblige or commit to follow its indications?
    The BMP sets guidelines for cycling infrastructure, services and road safety and is to be followed on a voluntary but not mandatory basis. If fixed measures are required, the plan should be complemented by an effective Traffic Ordinance.
  • What goals will I achieve with a mobility study?
    A mobility study is one of the key tools to achieve the sustainability of the area. This document allows a general mobility analysis to be performed, existing needs to be analyzed and future improvements planned. In other words, an analysis is made of the current situation to identify shortcomings and propose improvements with the aim of achieving more sustainable mobility.
  • What impact will I get from a mobility study?
    The mobility studies developed at Mobility by Cycling Friendly aim to meet the requirements of the Sustainable Development Goals and the 2030 Agenda: 1. Representing an improvement in health of the population affected by mobility within the urban space. 2. Contributing to gender equality day by day where the differences between men and women in mobility are seen. 3. Ensuring the best mobility options for citizens. 4. Reducing air and noise pollution, reducing greenhouse gas emissions. 5. Improving road safety within the urban area. 6. Contributing to the environmental improvement of the area.