Sustainable Transportation to Work Plan

At Mobility Friendly we provide sustainable transportation to work plans for companies.

We are convinced and aware that mobility changes start with companies. Our plans follow the model of the Institute for Energy Diversification and Saving (IDAE).

Our roadmap

Our tailor-made Sustainable Transportation to Work Plans start with an initial diagnosis of employee mobility including conducting employee mobility surveys.

As a result, strategic lines are designed with objectives to encourage workers to commute in a sustainable way.

Some of our projects

We develop detailed mobility studies to ground a new, more sustainable, healthier and safer mobility.

Many companies and institutions already rely on our mobility studies.

Talk to our experts and we will help you plan your mobility study.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Who is obliged to implement a Sustainable Transport to Work Plan?
    All companies with more than 500 workers in the workplace, or more than 250 workers per shift.
  • How long does it take to develop a Sustainable Transportation to Work Plan?
    The time varies according to the characteristics of each company: location, number of employees, working hours, activity, etc. We can also say that we usually carry them out in approx 4-5 months, or even less.
  • Why is a Sustainable Transport to Work Plan imnportant?
    Each TWP is tailored to the specific needs and reality of each company, making it a key tool for managing mobility arising from business activity, as well as improving road safety and reducing the potential impact on the environment. The aim is to achieve savings in energy consumption, improve the life quality of workers, increase the competitiveness and productivity of the company and achieve an improvement in corporate social responsibility (CSR). At the same time, having a PTT provides tax benefits through the aid that government services make available to companies, such as a reduction in the IAE (Economic Activities Tax) or a reduction in Social Security contributions.
  • Which companies are required to have a Sustainable Transport to Work Plan?
    According to the Draft Law on Sustainable Mobility proposed by the Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda, government agencies and private companies with more than 500 employees or 250 employees per shift must have a transport-to-work plan. In addition, in relation to workplaces with more than 1,000 workers located in municipalities or metropolitan areas with more than 500,000 inhabitants, government agencies and private companies must include measures to reduce the mobility of workers during peak hours and promote the use of low- or zero-emission means of transport. Although the aforementioned companies are obliged, its implementation is also recommended in small and medium-sized companies, by preparing a simpler document.