What is the financial fine for walking on the cycle lane?

We often see pedestrians walking the cycle lane, obstructing the passage and sometimes causing avoidable accidents, but do we really know how much it costs to walk on the cycle lane?

Walking on the cycle lane has an economic fineof about € 200. It depends on every city council as they have the authority to regulate these actions.

Many cyclistsonly ask to respect their traffic lane. They are repeatedly pushed or insulted by pedestrians who do not respect the traffic rules. Experiencing serious injuries and bruises while cycling.

We must all respect our roads and the traffic rules, just as bicycles should not go on the sidewalks, reserved for pedestrians, pedestrians should not walk on bike lanes.

With good, safe and fast cycling lanes, the bicycle would be one of the major means of transport. Reducing pollution and commitment to greener cities and a more active and healthier population.