Cycling tips to work

Increasing use of the bicycle as a means of transport to cycle to work inSpainand mainly caused by the COVID-19 health crisis. Common in countries like the Netherlands, Denmark or the United Kingdom and now priority in our country with a much more favorable cycling climate and one of the main options for getting from home to work.

Are you an absolute beginner in cycling? Our tipsto use the bicycle as a means of transport:

Tips to purchase the right bike

Different cycling options to get to work, considering several aspects:

* Budget:Among other factors, your budget shapes the type of bikes you can afford.

* Use: How are you going to use your new bike? Just cycling to work, leisure or a more sporty use? That also determines your final decision.

* Distance to work: another key factor in your choice.

* Type of road: unpaved roads, steep slopes or quiet, flat bike lanes? The type of route between your home and work will also be a key point in your future bike choice.

* Experience and physical preparation: are you used to cycle even when you are not going to work? And your physical preparation? All this, bikes with electric assistance, or any other type makes your bike choice.

Bike types to cycle to work

In this post we offer you the necessary information to make the best choice. Urban, mixed, MTB, road bike, e-bike, foldable … our advice makes an investment adapted to your needs.


You now have your bike but … you have never cycled to work and thousands of questions! Work clothes, timing not to be late without running, which routes … before using the bike as a means of transport to work, plan all those details. Your company’s and urban infrastructure also marks the steps of that organization. If the company has changing rooms, showers and lockers, you can cycle to work and manage clothes more easily.


* Helmet: not compulsory in urban areas but … just use one!! It’s our advice. A safety helmet protects your head. Cycle safely!

* Bicycle maintenance:Keep the mechanical status of your bike in good working conditions, prevent problems, accidents and the chance of a flat tire …

* Route:this section deserves a separate safety point. Analyze the best route from home to work Find roads and paths with less traffic, with a cycle lane separated from cars, with less traffic lights, intersections … some specific advice later.

* Traffic rules: essential for your safety. What are the traffic regulations to cycle in the city? Know and respect the traffic regulations.

* Signaling:clearly signal all movements on the bicycle in advance. It helps vehicles anticipate your movements and avoid a collision.

* Lighting:Don’t forget to include flashing rear lights and a headlight would be nice too. At any time of the day and weather conditions, there can always be adverse visibility conditions. Increase your security with safety lights.

*Caution respect the rules, wear a helmet, give a signal … but always respecting caution. Beware of parked cars, a door may open without warning, other vehicles crossing unexpectedly … better to lose a few seconds than to be scared.


* Clothing: Use comfortable cycling clothing. The longer the distance, the more important it is to use suitable cycling shorts and jersey to cycle. Likewise, clip-in cycling shoes will be very useful if you are an experienced cyclist and need to cycle long distances. Don’t forget to wear a waterproof garment in case of bad weather catching you off guard.

* Tools and Spare Parts: with proper maintenance, you will reduce repairs and punctures, but problems can always arise on every ride Don’t forget to bring loose, detachable inner tubes, an inflation pump and a multi-tool to adjust the saddle and other elements.

* Parts of the bike:saddlebags, baskets, bells, mirrors, lights … don’t forget to equip your bike with the essentials for your comfort and safety.


As we have already mentioned, we make a break for the route between your home and your workplace.

* Distance:the number of kilometers indicates which type of bike is most suitable to cycle to work, as well as the appropriate equipment.

* Timing: Be aware, the fastest route isn’t always the … safest? Make your safety your top priority over saving a few minutes or seconds.

* Slope: if you have already cycled, then you know that it is an element to be considered. Try to find the flatest possible route without major slopes.

* Forecast: On low-traffic days, try to take the same route to get to work and, if possible, with an experienced colleague. So, you can focus better on all the bottlenecks and study them to make your route safer.

* Information: probably your municipality or locality has public maps with the network of cycle lanes and roads. Search online recommendations from other cyclists in your area and plan the safest route.