The government will launch a law on climate change

The executive branch, through its Minister of Ecological Transition Teresa Ribera, has concluded the climate change project in favor of sustainable mobility.

The law promotes a new clean and sustainable mobility.

Spain is one of the regions most exposed to global warming in Europe. Months ago, the country suffered from heat waves, floods such as the Dana that hit the Levantine coast and the Murcia region and desertification areas.

The new law promotes a new roadmap based on the reduction of winter gases between now and 2050, based on some guidelines from the Paris Agreement and the various European regulations.

Presented as a major change at the economic, social and mobility level, where the bill aims to mobilize more than 200,000 million investments, with the promise of a large private economic investment and the creation of new jobs focused on energy greens and sustainable mobility .

The law outlines four key objectives: a 20% reduction in CO2 emissions, a 70% reduction in renewable energy, a reduction in fossil fuels by 2030 and a commitment to sustainable mobility with 0% emissions by 2040.