Find out how to set up a Cycling Center in your workplace.

Do you want your own employee Cycling Center in your company, but don’t know where to get started? We’re here to help.

Every day we see more workers in the early morning hours commuting non-stop along the
different bike lanes in Spanish cities, and since we started we haven’t stopped.

How to?

At Mobility By Cycling Friendly we are committed to a greener and more sustainable mobility, by opting for active mobility, whether on foot or by bicycle.

Every day more workers commute by bicycle, but there is often a lack of infrastructure.

Many companies are already committed to use large spaces for sustainable means of transport such as bicycle parking, lockers and changing rooms.

That’s why today we’re going to show you step-by-step how we perform to create a comprehensive and unique space.

In a first step, it is important to know the concerns of our clients such as location,
the number of places and the visual perception of the future Cycling Center. For this,
after our on-site visit and based on the first impression, we then
draw up a plan.

After visiting the facilities, we go ahead and thanks to AutoCAD we can make a first sketch to know how many places and elements we should install, so that the customer can confirm the agreement.

But at Mobility By Cycling Friendly, we go one step further and are committed to developing unique spaces that differentiate us from other companies, and for this reason, thanks to the various project managers we work with, developers and construction companies, creating unique readers for us.

In these renderings, all elements of the future Cycling Center will be revealed in a more visual way. Do you really know what it takes? It is important to focus on bicycle parking facilities, the more bicycle racks, the more demand you will have from employees; bicycle tools so that your employees can repair their bicycles independently, and mainly maps, decalogues and information on bicycle use and safety.

Finally, thanks to the comprehension and teamwork between the different parties (external company and Mobility By Cycling Friendly), you’ll have a unique space that your employees can enjoy in periods of 8 to 10 weeks.

Don’t forget that thanks to Mobility By CF, you’ll benefit from personalized advice, optimize
time, save and get a company that specializes in the sector.