Interviewing Joana María Seguí, Professor of Human Geography and Director of the Interdisciplinary Mobility Observatory of the Balearic Islands, UIB (University of the Balearic Islands). What should we talk about when we refer to Sustainable Mobility? Mobility capable of meeting society’s needs for freedom of movement, but without compromising other present or future human […]
Mobility by Cycling Friendly, bicycle mobility experts, organizes an awareness day on the benefits of sustainable mobility applied to personal and work environments for Allianz Partners employees. Currently, commuting to the workplace is mainly done by private vehicle. In fact, up to 6 out of 10 citizens commute to work by motor vehicle, which is […]
In order to implement a Sustainable Transport to Work Plan, it is essential to obtain data in order to make a series of strategies to improve worker mobility and, above all, to be committed to the environment. Following the instructions of the Ministry for Energy Transition, IDAE (Institute for the Diversification of Energy Saving) and […]
On the occasion of the European Mobility Week, last Friday, September 16, we were at the municipality of Mercadal (Menorca), to report the inhabitants of the municipality about our work in all those months. A pleasant afternoon, introducing mobility problems faced by residents, which are accentuated every summer season due to tourist seasonality. From Mobility […]
We are pleased that the Iberostar Group is committed to a much greener, more efficient and safer mobility, even anticipating the implementation of the new Sustainable Mobility Law. A few months ago, the companies Mobility by Cycling Friendly and Iberostar started a common way to improve the daily mobility of their employees through a Sustainable […]
Under the banner “Riding into the Future” (translated into English as <{{{wpml_tag_1}}}>), the Tour de France aims to inspire everyone to integrate cycling into their lives by making a full commitment to cycling mobility. This initiative aims to generate a positive impact by encouraging everyone (tour followers or not) to incorporate cycling into their daily […]
Entrevistamos a Borja Carabante, Delegado del Área de Gobierno de Medio Ambiente y Movilidad en el Ayuntamiento de Madrid. El Plan de Movilidad Madrid 360 plantea objetivos ambiciosos para la ciudad, como la reducción en un 65% de las emisiones de CO2 o el descenso del 10% del tráfico rodado ¿Cuáles son las medidas clave […]
Do you want your own employee Cycling Center in your company, but don’t know where to get started? We’re here to help. Every day we see more workers in the early morning hours commuting non-stop along thedifferent bike lanes in Spanish cities, and since we started we haven’t stopped. How to? At Mobility By Cycling […]
Tanto si eres un particular como un autónomo que quiere adquirir un vehículo eléctrico por sus grandes ventajas en cuanto a una movilidad eficiente y sostenible, sin duda debes saber que tienes el Plan MOVES a tu alcance. Y es que el Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y el Reto Demográfico, aprobó el 13 de […]
New mobility is also created by fighting the existing gender gap, and one of its forms is by promoting the growth of female drivers in public transport. Mobility is undergoing important changes towards more sustainable ways of commuting. The pedestrianization of streets, the increase in kilometers of cycle lanes, the expansion of bus and train […]