Covid-19 and climate change

How does the bicycle fight against Covid-19 and other environmental problems such as climate change or global warming?

It’s well known that the bike plays a key role in sustainable mobility and in the transport models in smart cities, now we also know that it is the best means of transport against Covid-19.

In addition, studies show that it can help save lives. The bike is the only vehicle zero CO2 emissions and that can help reduce environmental impact.

In addition, as already mentioned in ourblog section, it owns benefits for our physical health (see post), mental health (see post)and even our economy.

The bike, the best vaccine against Covid-19

The data is resonant: the bicycle, as the only non-polluting vehicle, is the sustainable means of transport which guarantees the return to an economic activity while retaining the “benefits” of the confinement caused by COVID-19.

And, the world has been hit by the pandemic generated by COVID-19 but has been able to verify the huge positive impact in reducing pollution.

The reduction in car traffic, but also industrial activity have allowed our planet Earth to take a break.

A Stanford University study analyzed mortality data from the virus in China and compared it to the health benefits, especially among children and the elderly, caused by this reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. .

The conclusion of the study is very surprising: the coronavirus would have “contributed” to saving nearly 20 times more lives thanks to decontamination than the people who died of COVID-19

During the time of Covid-19, the planet took a break

We are talking about a virus that has caused dire economic consequences and, in many cases, family losses.

Hard data, we should be looking for the positive aspects of this whole situation, with some environmental benefits that National Geografic also alludes to.

Studies show that emissions have been reduced by up to 25% in China, one of the countries with the highest generation of greenhouse gases. A benchmark European country like Germany could emit between 50 and 120 tonnes of CO2 less.

Greenpeace stresses that, despite this important but temporary reduction, the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere continues with an uptrend.

One of the greatest economic and health crises in memory must be followed by another essential fight for our health … the fight against climate change.

The safest mode of transport against Covid-19

A long way for the bike in all countries, although it stands out as one of the most efficient means of transport against coronavirus infections.

In Spain, in addition to banning the practice of sport, even individually, people who cycle to work have been persecuted for weeks.

Fortunately, the Minister of Health, Salvador Illa, rectified and underscored the bike as one of the perfect solutions to commute to work once the confinement phases have been relaxed.

“It is important to maintain the interpersonal distance measurements, 1 or 2 m, so it is better to get to work on foot, by bicycle, or if in a private vehicle, always ensuring these minimum distance measurements”, as Illa said.