Bicycle Observatory 2020

The Network of Cities for the Bicycle has presented the second edition of the RCxB 2020 Bicycle Observatory, an overview of the range of public policy for mobility by bicycle. An additional study to the Bicycle Barometer that collects data from users upon request

It is a study between two territories and 33 Spanish cities of different sizes and highlights the government’s policy on bicycle mobility. It is interesting to analyze the trend in relation with previous observatories. In this case about the RCxB 2018 Bicycle Observatory.

Among the conclusions, we can emphasize that there is greater concern about bicycle mobility, since there is a greater knowledge of the modal share that this mobility represents in the participating cities. In particular, this knowledge has increased from 58 to 77%. These cities have also taken up more resources for bicycle mobility. 63% appoint a manager responsible compared to 56% before. As regulatory tools they usually use SUMPs, Bicycle Master Plans and municipal ordinances.

The modal share of cycling on working days has grown from 1.3% to 2.2% (1.7% weighted by population). The quota is up to 1% higher in cities with cycling associations and cluster areas for cycling policy.

The accident rate with involved cyclists in urban areas has been reduced from 7.3% to 3.8%.

The bicycleability of the network has increased from 23.5% to 36.4% by using a side cycle path on a dual carriage way, Ciclocalle 30, Ciclovías.

The observation also emphasizes the available bicycle parking facilities, bicycle access to education centers, municipal facilities, the availability of public bicycles and the promotion, communication and road training policy. Without forgetting cyclology and tactical actions.

Average annual spending per capita for bicycle mobility policy has increased from € 2.38 in 2018 to € 2.46 in 2020. You view the full study on thislink.