Cities by People (Jan Gehl), one of the masterpieces of sustainable mobility suggests that if we improve the urban space, we will improve our quality of life.

The pandemic has made cities rethink towards a more balanced future, reconfiguring more open urban spaces, being more inclusive and, above all, people-focused.

Thus a new idea was born: urban acupuncture.

The Urban Acupuncture Concept is a concept used by architect and urbanistJaime Lerner, based on different strategies using small urban architectural or landscape architectural interventions, creating benefits for citizens.

Throughout 2020 and 2021, many organizations and institutions are gradually adopting redistributive policies of urban spaces focusing on the most vulnerable groups.

How does this act on the cyclist?

Promotion strategies, such as creating temporary cycle lanes. The clearest example in recent months has been Paris, which has stepped up new lane construction.

Reshape the strategy by creating “super-islands” as has been done in Barcelona to reduce the noise impact and at the same time create green city centers.

But it’s not all about building new bike lanes: urban actions such as the “superislands” of Barcelona city to reduce noise impact in addition to creating green city centers.

All thanks to urban design planning, which aims to humanize the city center, through a simple low-cost implementation that promotes socialization between neighbors.

Definitely, reshaping urban city spaces through simple changes committed to sustainable mobility where the bicycle is key role.